[攀岩] 上海岩館分享/Intro for some Shanghai Climbing (mainly Bouldering) Gyms — Part 1
I’m lazy to write articles since last article about overview for China’s bouldering gyms in Dec. 2023; however, I’ll update articles routinely (every 4–5 weeks) about this topic this year.
The info. for each bouldering gym may differ now because I moved back to Taiwan since early 2023 & seldom take trip to China since H2 2023.
1.簡介上海/Quick Intro about Shanghai
2.簡介上海交通/Quick Intro about Commuting in Shanghai
3.上海攀岩館地圖/Overview of Shanghai's Climbing Gyms
‧ 簡介上海/Quick intro about Shanghai
上海以黃浦江為界分為浦東 & 浦西。老上海 & 主要景點都在浦西,浦東靠黃浦江邊 (陸家嘴、世紀大道等區域) 則是浦東的市中心。因為浦東機場到市區打車要50分鐘、地鐵 (2號線) 要1個多小時,所以如果預算比較寬鬆的話,建議可以選擇虹橋機場比較方便。
如果是旅遊的話,推薦住在內環內 (徐匯、靜安、長寧、黃埔等四區),我個人偏好選擇徐匯區,愛喝酒的人可考慮住陝西南路一帶 (1 & 12號線地鐵),附近很多酒吧;黃埔雖然離外灘、豫園等旅遊景點很近,不過因為那附近很多老宅 + 很多便宜的酒店附近比較亂,所以我個人沒這麼推薦居住。
In order for you to arrange a convenient climbing plan, I’ll give you a quick intro for Shanghai’s areas & how big Shanghai city is.
Shanghai’s area is around 6.300 + squared km (~ 1.400 squared mile), around one sixth Taiwan’s area. It’s larger than combination of New Taipei City + Taipei + Keelung + Yilan + Taoyuan, or Kaoshiung + Pingtung, hence their "commute in the city” is total different concept from ours in Taipei. However, since their downtown is largely inside their Middle Ring Road, so the common commuting time is normally less than 1 hour via subway/ taxi (Didi) besides peak hour.
Huangpu River divides Shanghai into West Riverside & East Riverside. Old Shanghai & main attractions are located in West Riverside; areas closed to Huangpu River in East Riverside, like Lujiazui, Century Avenue are CBD of East Riverside. Since it takes 50 mins+ via taxi & 1 hour+ via subway (line 2) from PVG Airport to Shanghai downtown (West Riverside), I suggest you to choose Hongqiao Airport (SHA) if you have loose budget control for your trip.
If you’re not for biz trip, I recommend you to stay inside their Inner Ring Elevated Road (Shanghai’s CBD), that is Xuhui, Jingan, Changning & Huangpu, these 4 districts. I personally prefer Xuhui Dist. If you love bar-hopping, you can choose hotel/airbnb close to subway station South Shangxi Road (1 & 12 subway line). Though there are many attractions in Huangpu Dist., I personally don’t suggest you live there due to its old city view & complicated environment.
‧ 簡介上海交通/Quick intro about commuting in Shanghai
上海的計程車比台灣便宜,所以是我在去地鐵不方便到達地方的首選。上海通常用滴滴打車等線上叫車平台 (中國版Uber, Uber在中國被滴滴併購),不過因為我不確定沒有中國手機能不能使用,所以沒有特別列出。
如果去的地方離地鐵站有點距離,又沒有遠到需要坐公交車 (公車) & 打車,則推薦可以使用支付寶的共享單車 — 哈囉單車,類似ubike,只是不用特別到定點還車,除了幾個限行區域外幾乎路邊都能停。收費也很便宜,15分鐘1.5人民幣,大約台幣7–8元。不過因為好像要付押金,我不確定台灣人能不能使用這項功能。
It’s quite cheap to take taxi in China (even in Shanghai), hence it’s my top choice to take taxi to destinations not close to subway station. I usually use Didi (like Uber), but not sure if tourist can use such platform if you don’t have China’s mobile phone number.
You can just take subway with AliPay, as below process.
It’s also convenient to use Hello Bike by AliPay, one of shared bike in China, to commute to the destination not so far from you, with very cheap rate (RMB 1.5 for 15 mins, ~ USD 0.21). But also I’m not sure if you can use this application since it needs deposit.
‧ 上海攀岩館地圖/Overview of Shanghai’s Climbing Gyms
2025年北京我很喜歡的岩時攀岩也會來上海開旗艦店 (聽說今年也會開一間小的) ;另外其實小樹攀岩館我也一直想去 (中國攀岩前輩邱洪樹開的,是IFSC洲際定線員+戶外大神),不過由於沒去過,不知道線路品質如何,所以也沒列出來。
Actually there are much more climbing gyms in Shanghai, however, I only list which I’ve climbed before & heard probably is worth visiting. For those snubs need your help to add on the map.
My favorite climbing gym in Beijing — Rockhour, is heard to open a small one in Shanghai this year & will open a flagship gym in 2025. Another one I’m interested in is Shu Climbing Gym, which is opened by famous Chinese pro-climber Hong-Shu Qiu — an IFSC Continental Route Setter & outdoor climbing lover now. But since I never visit his gyms, I don’t list them on the map this time.